SMME Opportunity Roadshow


It all began in October 2014 when, speaking at the Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards, Minister of Small Business Lindiwe Zulu made an passionate appeal to the private sector to get involved in nation building throughequipping SMMEs with the skills they need to succeed. The ultimateaim is for the SMME sector to be South Africa’s primary employer andeconomic engine by 2030, as outlined in the National Development Plan.

Immediately the SMME Opportunity Roadshow was devised as aspecial-purpose vehicle to take the well-honed expertise of establishedprivate sector companies to the people that need it most: the activeentrepreneurs of South Africa who have the initiative to set up theirown businesses and are hungry for knowledge to succeed.

Supported by Opportunity magazine (endorsed by SACCI), the first Roadshow went to Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Durban and CapeTown. The response was overwhelming. The special-purpose format,in which industry experts take entrepreneurs through Master Classesin essential business topics, was very well received. The SMME marketis clearly calling out for this initiative. Ultimately 1500 SMME ownersattended the Roadshow, and in every case expressed their completesatisfaction and desire for more of the same knowledge.

We’ve listened to our people, we’ve learnt where more is required, where less. The 2016 SMME Opportunity Roadshow is going to be evenbigger and better. Those who attended 2015 will receive double thevalue, updating their skills and bringing to the fore the best practicesthey have acquired while learning from key influencers the latest thingsthey need to know. Newcomers will be blown away by the energy -and will soon be excited to join the SMME Roadshow best practicecommunity. This is one positive feedback cycle that is only going tokeep growing.

Johannesburg, Emperors Palace - 26 May 2016

Durban, Durban ICC - 28 July 2016

Port Elizabeth, Boardwalk Hotel - 16 November 2016

Cape Town, Cape Town ICC - 10 September 2016

CMC-Web-Banner-SMME-2016.jpg CMC-Web-Banner-SMME-2016.jpg
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