The time has come to recognize, andhonour, outstanding leadership.

Since 1983, Leadership magazine has recorded, promoted and indeed actively pursuedthe changes in South Africa’s politicaland business landscape. Luminaries such as

Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Patrice Motsepe, F.W. de Klerk, Richard Bransonand many more have graced its pages,guiding readers towards a realisation of thesacrifice, the honour and the rewards thatleadership implies, and inspiring them toadopt the mantle of leadership themselves.

It is in this spirit of excellence that the inauguralLeadership Awards has been launched:to identify, celebrate and reward the brand ofvisionary leadership that the times demand.This nationwide campaign will urge SouthAfricans to nominate an individual whoseachievements and character reflect thevalues of visionary leadership—the samevalues espoused by your organisation.

Whoever the winner is—a captain of industry, an advocate of human rights, or perhaps anunsung hero of a disadvantaged communitywhose story has not been told—he or shewill be someone with the vision, courage,empathy, service, clarity of purpose andbig, bold ideas to inspire others to unlocktheir own visionary leadership potential.

A panel of six judges in impeccable standing will ensure a credible, objective, judgingprocess. The winner will receive theLeadership Award as well as a cash prizeand his or her story will be celebrated inLeadership magazine and national media.

Leadership Awards

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Leadership Awards

South Africa’s premier trucking and logistics conference will deal with thecritical issues affecting your company’s’ bottom line. With crime on the up and hijacking a daily occurrence, the event will delve into solutions for thesupply chain, along with a variety of other pertinent topics.

Delegates can expect special guest appearances from the stars of Big Rig Bounty Hunters on History Channel, Shawn Zimmerman and VinceJones, all the way from Ohio, USA, discussing what has made them thepremier truck retrieval operators in North America, while passing onknowledge to the South African market during their visit.

The likable Americans will be joined by some of the finest minds and leaders from Southern African trucking, telematics, forensics, OEMmanufacturing/assembly and supply chain risk management, which willtake centre stage at this two day event in Cape Town.

Speakers and delegates will come together to discuss the rise of hijacking, truck recovery, technology, health and safety, driver development, OEMdevelopment in Southern Africa, labour issues, road infrastructure, costhikes, cross-border development, fuel and systems management to namea few.

The event will run over two days at the splendid Spier Wine Farm in Stellenbosch, including an exhibition showcasing the companies thatmatter in the industry, and is set to be a regular date on the trucking andlogistics calendar. Delegates can also expect a live demonstration fromsome of the experts to add a practical element to the event.

Expect to see all the main players from the wide world of vehicle tracking through to the top OEM brass from Southern Africa’s proudmanufacturing base, with 500 knowledgeable delegates expected todescend on the Mother City.


Why the name Critical Mass?

It has never been more critical to maintain the transport supply chains of Sub-Saharan Africa, with cargo and goods - which amount to mass—being of primary importance to the sustainable growth of SouthernAfrica’s critical economies, with crime, spiking operational costs and taxon the rise, are you fully protected and up-to-date with developments

Critical Mass

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Critical Mass

It all began in October 2014 when, speaking at the Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards, Minister of Small Business Lindiwe Zulu made an passionate appeal to the private sector to get involved in nation building throughequipping SMMEs with the skills they need to succeed. The ultimateaim is for the SMME sector to be South Africa’s primary employer andeconomic engine by 2030, as outlined in the National Development Plan.

Immediately the SMME Opportunity Roadshow was devised as aspecial-purpose vehicle to take the well-honed expertise of establishedprivate sector companies to the people that need it most: the activeentrepreneurs of South Africa who have the initiative to set up theirown businesses and are hungry for knowledge to succeed.

Supported by Opportunity magazine (endorsed by SACCI), the first Roadshow went to Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Durban and CapeTown. The response was overwhelming. The special-purpose format,in which industry experts take entrepreneurs through Master Classesin essential business topics, was very well received. The SMME marketis clearly calling out for this initiative. Ultimately 1500 SMME ownersattended the Roadshow, and in every case expressed their completesatisfaction and desire for more of the same knowledge.

We’ve listened to our people, we’ve learnt where more is required, where less. The 2016 SMME Opportunity Roadshow is going to be evenbigger and better. Those who attended 2015 will receive double thevalue, updating their skills and bringing to the fore the best practicesthey have acquired while learning from key influencers the latest thingsthey need to know. Newcomers will be blown away by the energy -and will soon be excited to join the SMME Roadshow best practicecommunity. This is one positive feedback cycle that is only going tokeep growing.

Johannesburg, Emperors Palace - 26 May 2016

Durban, Durban ICC - 28 July 2016

Port Elizabeth, Boardwalk Hotel - 16 November 2016

Cape Town, Cape Town ICC - 10 September 2016

SMME Opportunity Roadshow

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SMME Opportunity Roadshow

THE MILLENIAL CHALLENGE for Tomorrow’s Leaders

Tomorrow’s leaders lead busy lives, lives packed with events, experiences andopportunities. They travel a winding road, seeking out new opportunities, conqueringchallenges and, sometimes, living on the edge. They will not be confined, or restrained.The daily grind? It’s not for them. They are creative, energetic and driven. And theyknow that life is there for the living. They won’t conform, and they won’t settle for secondbest. Nine to five? For them, it holds zero appeal.

These Tomorrow’s Leaders are the most successful members of their generation - in the boardroom, in private enterprise, and in the public sector.

In the days of telexes and fax machines they called it working for the man.

The new generation, your generation, the rulers of touchscreens, you call it being the man.

Or woman.

That poses the question: are you a worker, or are you a leader of tomorrow?

Am I a Tomorrow’s Leader?

  • I’m at the top of my game
  • I’m a high-flyer in the corporate world
  • I’m one of the State’s finest
  • I’m the owner of a successful brand
  • I’m under 35 years old

OK, so you are a Tomorrow’s Leader.

Then it’s time to switch on your Personal Branding Superpower and unite at the Tomorrow’s Leaders Convention.

Build your own brand

Each and every one of you is a brand, and we want you to bring it along and shareit at the Tomorrow’s Leaders Convention. Unlike the Fax generation’s version of BYOB,the milleniall’s BYOB is filled with clarity and direction. Imagine 1000 individual brandsmingling under one roof. It’s going to be a sensation – you’re going to be a sensation!

So rise up and proclaim yourself as a Tomorrow’s Leader on Twitter and Facebook. Or

Pin it.

Tomorrow’s Leaders – bringing in the MzansiMillenium.

See you there!

PS You definitely want to BYOD* to record the experience and to store all the fantastic contacts you’ll be making.

 #bringit                                                                                              (*Bring Your Own Device)


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Tomorrow's Leaders Convention

The Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards, South Africa’s most prestigious and longest running black business awardsceremony, has for the past 13 years celebrated andrecognised our champions of transformation.

The Awards encourage and promote sustainable blackbusiness and transformation through the recognitionof good corporate governance leadership andachievement.

The search is now on for South Africa’s leaders intransformation. The finalists and winners will beselected by a panel of independent adjudicators.

Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards will be celebratedonce again on the 30th October 2015. The Awardsconsist of 13 categories at Emperors Palace; Your palace

of dreams, open to individuals, black-owned andempoweredcompanies and organisations in South Africa.

Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards will be broadcast liveon the Internet. This initiative will ensure that the publicand invited guests of the sponsor can follow eventsas they unfold. Not a minute will be missed, and not aword said will be left unheard.

BBQ Awards

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BBQ Awards


The Skills Development Summit 2016 will unveil a pragmatic vision of skills development that integrates the need to develop skills, create jobs and grow the economy. This vision will be set within a framework of inclusivityand social transformation, and will be displayed against the backdropof international competition, which represents the bar to which SouthAfricans need to aspire to raise themselves. It’s a game-changing vision,and Skills Development Summit will provide the workshop in which anexciting economic future will be forged for industries and the nation as a whole.


As South Africa enters the Knowledge Economy generation, the importance of sustainable and relevant skills training and development is the key factor in the growth of our economy over the coming decade and beyond.Human resources are the great new asset of the global economy, and the digitalisation of Africa offers thecontinent the opportunity to advance at a rapid rate in terms of global productivity.

Skills development has little value without a targeted and well thought-out plan, and the National Government, the HRDC, as well as the numerous SETAs and TVET Colleges throughout South Africa have played a key role overthe past few years in developing plans and strategies for ensuring a focused and sustainable developmental planthat is aimed at ensuring the right skills are being developed at the right time and for the right individuals. Fromteachers to artisans, engineers, scientists, mathematicians and entrepreneurs, the blueprint has been drawn up,debated, refined and now rubber-stamped. All that remains is for the various sectors and industries to build onthis blueprint, adapting where required as needs and opportunities evolve.



The 2016 Skills Development Summit will provide delegates with a roadmap for the latest trends in skills development. It is an essential networking platform and information gathering opportunity for business owners,high-level managers and key executives from the corporate as well as the private sector. Attendance will ensurethat an organisation’s own skills development initiatives are in line with the national blueprint.

The Summit will also offer delegates the opportunity to spot opportunities for additional skills development opportunities, which might otherwise not have been considered within the organisation or beyond.

Without new skills, our economy can’t grow.

With a good plan and sustainable skills development in place, South Africa can stand up and take its place as aserious player in the global economy, as well as fulfilling our destiny as the true Gateway to Africa.


Skills Summit

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Skills Summit

Never call a man a fool; borrow from him.